Knowledge Sharing

2012 US Pharma Insights

A white paper on current trends and challenges of the pharmaceutical industry. Results of an industry survey published by Cegedim Relationship Management.

File Size:
2.79 MB


Best Global Brands 2013

The most recent evaluation performed by Interbrand on the top 100 global brands in 2013.

File Size:
13.07 MB


Brand Strategy That Shifts Demand

Should you spend on making your brand promise through advertising or on keeping the promise by ensuring that your product deliver what customers want? A publication by Bain & Company

File Size:
8.31 MB


Business Intelligence Trends For 2013

With all the attention organizations are placing on innovating around data, the rate of change will only increase. So what should you expect to see? A point of view from Tableau Software.

File Size:
323.08 kB


Harnessing the Power of Advocacy Marketing - A Publication from the Boston Consulting Group

Advocates are the new authorities in town. Advocacy marketing can bring companies and customers much closer together in ways that will benefit both parties. Consider embracing this powerful source of

File Size:
823.75 kB


Health care in China: Entering ‘uncharted waters’ - A McKinsey Publication

Multinationals are flocking to take advantage of the opportunities, but long-term success is by no means assured.Three themes will shape China’s health-care market.

File Size:
396.54 kB


Megatrends in Global Health. A Publication by HBR

Powerful trends are forcing changes in how health care will be conceived and delivered in the decades ahead. The editors of HBR have compiled a list of 12 megatrends that will dramatically change how

File Size:
416.07 kB


Product Management Gets Stronger

An approach to managing product portfolios so companies stay ahead of change.
A publication by Booz & Co.

File Size:
238.22 kB


Product Value Management

Better products with more satisfied customers using higher prices and lower costs to make products more profitable, is this possible? If yes, how?
A publication from Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

File Size:
104.90 kB


Rebooting Western Europe

Western Europe, the world’s new test market for focused growth strategies. A publication by Bain & Company.

File Size:
2.79 MB


The End of Easy Growth in China - A Publication from the Boston Consulting Group-115514

The 2012 BCG 50 Chinese Global Challenges.

File Size:
765.35 kB


The Most Innovative Companies 2013 - Lessons From Leaders-144787

The report examines companies and innovation through the lens of what gives successful innovators their edge. A publication from The Boston Consulting Group.

File Size:
1.99 MB


The Most Innovative Companies in 2012

The State of the art of innovation in leading industries. A publication by the Boston Consulting Group.

File Size:
1.91 MB


Unleashing The Value of Consumer Data

A white paper published by The Boston Consulting Group.

File Size:
984.51 kB

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